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Great Reviews from Happy Patients

Read Firsthand What Kind of Experience Our Patients Receive at Our Office
younger male doctor comforting smiling elderly patient

Professional Walk-In Clinic Since 2005

When you have an urgent medical situation and need to seek attention, consider visiting an urgent care clinic. If your illness or injury is not an emergency, we’d be happy to see you as quickly as possible. At West Street Medical, we offer many different medical services, including urgent care visits. Not only is this a more cost-effective option than visiting the emergency room or a physician’s office, but you are likely to be seen quicker. Please come in or give us a call at 410-268-3627 to find out more about our services!

Experienced Medical Staff

Our clinic has been serving Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, and surrounding areas for over a decade, offering exceptional care. We treat patients of all ages for injuries and minor illnesses, as a fast, low-cost alternative to your doctor’s office or the emergency room. We have set ourselves apart from other businesses by making ourselves available to you seven days a week, with no appointment needed. Our practitioners answer phone calls, helping you by answering your medical questions directly.

If you have incurred a minor injury or come down with an illness, such as a cold or the flu, it can take days before your doctor is able to see you. Here at West Street Medical, you’re seen as soon as possible, on an immediate walk-in basis. Most of our patients are able to come in, get taken care of, and leave within a half hour. We are dedicated to providing you with only exceptional service, every time.

Customer Reviews

Contact Us Today

Feel free to visit us anytime when you need medical attention or call us for more information!

79 West Street
Annapolis, MD 21401

Phone: 410-268-3627

Free Parking in rear of the building

Hours of Operation
Available 7 days a week from 9 am – 5 pm. By Appointment Only.